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fairy dust


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16 juillet 2011 6 16 /07 /juillet /2011 10:12

new york cross stitch kit thea gouverneur TG471

voila un petit moment que je ne suis pas venue pose une photo de mon WIP 

pas beacuoup le temps dans faire non plus 

donc voila dpuis quelque jours je me suis remise a brode et voila le resultat 


hi all 

it is along time now i have not post any pic of my WIP 

not realy the time to stitch 

thinkfully since few days in am back working in it 

here the result

29 05 2011new york 2


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30 décembre 2010 4 30 /12 /décembre /2010 10:11

bonjours  je suis ne vacance avec mon fils et pas mal de boulot pour l uni mais bon jarrive quand meme a trouve un peu de temps pour moi meme et je brode pendant ce temps la

voila une autre de mes realissation pour cette annee

tout dabort je vorudrai remercie angela du texas qui ma envoye ce tres jolie kit dimmesion 

je ne savait meme pas qe lon pouvais faire des chose aussi belle 

si une photo du kit que angela ma envoye


hi everyone 

i am on holiday with my son and got lots of work for my colege but still have some sprare time to stitch and enjoyed it lololol

last night i finish another little realisation 

but first i would like to say thatnk you very miuch to angela from texas hope she sill recognised herself  for this superb kit 

wihcih is a dimesions kit 

her a pic of the kit 

2010-08-16 12.33.32

ici mon travail 

jesepre ne pas ofencer angela mais jai changer le pattern 

allez je vous laisse decouvrir 


her the work i did with 

i hope i not offence you angela because i changed the pattern  olol


et oui une fee pour une fois elle ets pour moi celle la 

cest la prmierer que je me brode et elle est blue en plus 


elle va trouver sa place dans ma chambre au dessus de letager opu jai mes fee fungurine 

encore merci angela  


here we go 

here my first fairy i stitch for myself i stitched some already but all time offere= them so this one it is myne as my son says and it will goes on my bedroom with the fairies figurine 

thnak toiu angela for this supperbe kit i really enjoyed all the part of the creation 

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28 décembre 2010 2 28 /12 /décembre /2010 17:08


voila se qui arrive quand on a un peu de temps pendant ses vacance lolol

ici une petite photo lolol




that is what's happen when we got some free time during your holidays 

here a little pic lollool


kit de dimemsion "Wish" number 65087

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19 décembre 2010 7 19 /12 /décembre /2010 18:30

bonsoir a tous

et oui jai retrouve mon blog 

il etait just parti en vacnce depuis un petit moment 

lololnon non just pas le temps decrir quoi que se soit dessus 

bon me voila de reoutr pour combien de temps je ne sais pas pas 

mais voila une photo de mon dernier project 

quie st un cadeau et je jai commencer depuis juillet 

mais bon maintentnat il est fini et meme encadre

ici une photo 

ceci et une cadeau 



hi everybody

sorry my blog was a little bit forgotoen and i think it was on holiday lolol

no no just no time to come here and write an article 

but i find it today lolol

got  some pics of my last project 

finish since last week and already under frame 

i started it in jully 

here some pics 

dalhia 0091

here finished and framed

dalhia 0093dalhia 0094


le model vient de De Fil En Aiguille Hors serie N 28 etudes botanique

the pattern come from De Fil En Aiguille Hors Serie N 28 etudes botaniques 

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14 août 2010 6 14 /08 /août /2010 17:57

je crois que je suis iun peu en retard dans les opuvraje que jai finie

et jai oublie de metter des photos 

au que cela est pas bien 

bon voila la photo du second kits que dave mavait achete a glasgow au salon du point de croix 

il ma fallut 3 soir pour le finir 

dave ma dit quand je lui est anonce qu ile tait deja fini 

ben la prochiane fois je tachette un kit plus complique il te durea plus longtemps lololol

masi bon je faisais se kit en meme temps qui le tiger 

car pas possible de broder sur de la toile noire le soir 

bona lle je vous laisse alle regarder la photo 



hi all 

i think i am not up to date with my project finish

i did a thistle a days ago after i finish the map 

i stitch in in 3 nights and dave was not very happy and tol me 

next time i will buy you something more difficult so it will take you longer to do lololol

but i did it the night in the same time i stitch the tiger for ju #because black fabbric the night it is not possible 

so now here  pic of my thistle 

2010-08-06 10.54.45P07-03-10 1900[01]

kit from Heather Anne 

needlecraft sampler 

CS578 thistle 

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2 août 2010 1 02 /08 /août /2010 17:12


il y a quelque mois de cela 

je me susi engage a faire un project pour une amie 

cela est un project quelle a commencer il y a quelque temps et donc elle 

c est lassais de faire 

donc je lui est demande de me l envoyer et maintenant je travail dessus 

au fait cette amie est Ju 

la premiere photo est son travail , la seconde est le travail que je vien de faire dessus 


hi all 

fewws months ago a friend of mine told me that she has a UFO of a tiger 

because it is a very nice friend and best freind 

i told her to send it to me 

and it is a tiger 

so since i finish my scottish map i am working on and after 3 days here a wee picture 

houps forgot to let you know this best friend is Ju lololol

the first pic is about her work the second it is the work i did the last few days 

tiger when i start ittiger the 02 08 10

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30 juillet 2010 5 30 /07 /juillet /2010 11:56

je voudrais dire merci a piper et tina pour avoir offer un marque page avec un piper a kelvin 

et je tien aussi a mescuse mais jai mis un peu de temps pour le faire 

ben oui on peu pas tout faire lolool

masi bon le voila fini 

ici une petite photo 

mais avant un petit peu d histoire sur l piper 

le piper ecossais 

cornemuses et tartants sont les images populaire de l ecosse. la corne muse est utilisee pour faire de la musique en ecosse depuis des centenaires, les pemieres cormesure des highland date de 1409. le jouer de corne muse (piper) gonfle le sac de la cornemuse pour faire du son. les cornemuse des highland one un chanteur qui fiat le son musicalet sort par les 3 tuyaux pour l harmony. depuis le 17 siecle cornemuses et tartans sont assiciated avec les regiment the l arme britanic des hilghland, diferents et nombreux misic font cettes connection. un joeur de cornemuse et aussi tres populair dans les marriages , ila jouent pour les marries et entratne le pas d dnace le jour du mariage.


i would like to start to say thank you very much to tina and piper to offere this lovely bookmark to kelvin

it was a pleasure to stitch it 

and kelvin will remember it i am sure 

here a littel pic 

before a little bit of scottish piper 

the scottish piper 

bag pipes and tartans are popular images of Scotland. the pipes have been used to make music in Scotland for many centeries, the earliest surviving highland pipes date from 1409. the piper inflates the bag of the pipes to play a tune. highland pipes have a chanter which is the melody pipe and three "dromes" for the harmony. since the 17th century pipes and tartans have been very associated with the highland regiments of british army, and many tunes celebrate this connection. a piper is also a familiar sight at scottish weddings, to pipe the newly married cuple from the ceremony and to play jigs and reels for the dancing at the celebration ceilidh.

DSCI0507 (2)




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29 juillet 2010 4 29 /07 /juillet /2010 00:00

il y a environ 4 ans quand je suis arriver en angleterre 

je suis tomber sous le charme de tatty teddy

et j ai aussi decouvert qu il avait une histoir tres sympa cet pettit ourson 

donc jai dessider dans border quelques un 

et dans faire un tableau pour la chambre de kelivn 

mais je navais jamais pris le temps de faire une photo 

donc voila une photo de la prewsentation qui etait dans la chanbre de kelvin 



around 4 years ago when i arrives in UK 

i fell into the charm of the taddy teddy 

and discover that teddy got a wee story 

so decided to stitch some teddy for kelvin and 

to make a wee presentation with the story aside 

i never take the time to do a picture 

but today decided to share that with you 

here a pic of the presentation 




ici l histoire en francais 


Tatty Teddy's Heartwarming Story Tatty Drawing Official Story.

Written by Miranda.

Actual book illustrated by Steve Mort-Hill

The oldest, smallest house you can imagine was about to be knocked down. All the things that once made the house nice and cosy had been thrown outside and piled up in the front garden, from the soft springy bed the owners slept in, to the old wooden floorboards they used to walk on...and even...surely by some mistake...a little brown teddy bear.

He was trapped amongst all the other unwanted things, and couldn't move. Then, one day...a very, very cold day, something fell from the sky... ...a little snowflake. It landed on the teddy bear's little nose and was then followed by many more. He began to get cold, very cold indeed.

More and more snow fell, heavier and heavier. The little bear was now so cold that his nose started turning blue... ...so cold that his brown fur started turning grey.

He was cold, unloved and all alone in the world, and felt very, very sad. Winter finally passed and the weather got warmer, and, one beautiful spring day, a little girl was playing near the old house, when she spotted the grey bear in the pile of unwanted things.

He was like no other bear she had ever seen, and she pulled him out from where he was trapped. She dusted him down and lifted him high in the sky to look at him. "A grey bear...with a blue nose?" She thought. "How strange!" The teddy bear wanted to cry. He thought she didn't like him and would throw him back with the other unwanted things. "But he's lovely!" she continued and she fell completely in love with him.

She ran home as fast as her little legs would carry her to see if her Grandma could patch him up, as a lot of his stuffing had fallen out, and he was very much in need of repair.

She looked on has her Grandma replaced his stuffing and patched up his holes. His stitches has started showing where his fur had worn away, but little girl thought he looked perfect.

It was all cosy and warm in the little girl's house and the bear now felt cosy and warm in his heart. However, his nose was still blue and his fur was still grey, and they would never return to brown. He was unique amongst teddy bears.

The little girl gave him a great big hug. She loved him more than anything else in the world...her little, grey, blue-nosed...tatty teddy.

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28 juillet 2010 3 28 /07 /juillet /2010 15:07

et oui comme le titre le dit ma carte d ecosse est finie 

jespere qu elle sera dans son cadre se soir ou demain et 

bientot au mur 

voila une petite photo 


yes my scotland map is over 

i hope too have it frame tonight or tomorrow 

and after on the wall 

here a wee pic 


info sur le kit

classic embroidery by angela beazley 

SA177 Scotland 

dimension 40 cms x 34 cmx 

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25 juillet 2010 7 25 /07 /juillet /2010 11:58

c est le jours de mettre une photo de ma carte  d ecosse

alor voila mon avancer de la semaine 

bisous a plus 


it is today i update my scotland amp

as every sunday

so here a little pic of my week progress


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